Formosa Plastics

New construction and expansion at a multibillion-dollar facility
PBI has completed multiple projects at the 1,600-acre Formosa Plastics petrochemical complex in Point Comfort, Texas.

We erected grassroots plant facilities incorporating more than 18,000 tons of steel in the 1990s, and in recent years have handled plant expansions totaling more than 35,000 tons.

Our recent work in Point Comfort has included:

  • Specialty PVC plant addition
  • Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) energy units #1 and 2
  • Olefins III plant addition
  • HDPE # 3 plant addition
  • LDPE plant addition
  • EG2 plant addition
  • UT3 plant addition
  • Silo structures
  • Dryer structures
  • Grinder structures
  • Baghouses and GSA structures
  • Pipe racks


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