Modularization Services

At PBI, we specialize in complex structures and outside the box approach to solving challenging projects.   Whether it is a congested site, accelerated schedule requirements, structures over 400’ in height, lifts over 500 tons, or all those combined PBI can help provide a safe and efficient solution.  

We ensure modular components are accurately positioned, then securely bolted to meet safety and stability standards. Our expertise, specialized equipment, and logistical capabilities make us the ideal partner for your modular construction project.

Why Choose PBI for Modularization?

  • Precision Lifting: Our experienced management and field supervision thrive on making complex critical lifts look easy. With our extensive pre-planning , 3d lift software, heavy rigging vendor alliances, and hands on knowledge we ensure every project and critical lift is a success.
  • Capacity: We are equipped to handle even the most complex and heavy loads, regardless of size or weight.
  • Mobility: With access to a range of cranes—including mobile, crawler, and tower—we can navigate any terrain, whether at ground level, on rooftops, or at high-rise construction sites.
  • Sequence Management: Our team carefully plans the sequence of module installation to optimize efficiency, considering factors such as order of assembly, accessibility, and stability during lifts.
  • Safety: With zero recordable incidents since 2021, PBI prioritizes strict safety protocols to mitigate risks associated with lifting heavy modules.

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Want to learn more about our modularization services? Contact us!

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